Statement supporting Taiwan’s Inclusion as an Observer in World Health Organization Meetings

We strongly advocate for Taiwan’s inclusion as an observer in the World Health Organisation (WHO) meetings, activities, and mechanisms, particularly its participation in the World Health Assembly (WHA).

The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the immediate requirement for a thorough and all-encompassing worldwide health network. Taiwan, due to its substantial contributions to global health security, plays a crucial role in this network. Integrating Taiwan is essential for closing the geographical divide in global health security and strengthening international collaboration to effectively tackle and respond to future health emergencies.

So-called “Political concerns” (on behest of the Peoples’ Republic of China) had led Taiwan to its unfair exclusion from important World Health Organisation (WHO) meetings and mechanisms, despite its valuable contributions. This exclusion undermines the healthcare entitlement of 23 million Taiwanese and impedes international efforts to avoid, prepare for, and respond to global health emergencies.

Taiwan’s absence from key mechanisms including the Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN), the WHO Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System (PABS), and the Global Pandemic Supply Chain and Logistics Network poses considerable obstacles in terms of international travel and pandemic response. These exclusions further exemplify the harmful consequences of Taiwan’s absence on global health security.

We strongly advocate for the World Health Organisation (WHO) to recognise and appreciate the valuable contributions and extensive knowledge that Taiwan possesses in the field of public health. This can be achieved by granting Taiwan the status of an observer in the World Health Assembly (WHA) and other pertinent meetings and procedures.

We urge the World Health Organisation (WHO) to give importance to responsibility and to invite Taiwan to participate as an observer. The inclusion of Taiwan is not only an issue of principle, but also a practical imperative for enhancing global health security and attaining universal health coverage.