Statement on China’s Actions Concerning the Brahmaputra Dam and Aksai Chin Counties

Red Lantern Analytica strongly condemns China’s unilateral actions regarding the construction of a $137 billion dam on the Brahmaputra River near the Indian border and the establishment of two new counties in Aksai Chin (India’s Kashmir in occupation by Chinese forces). Such actions are blatant violations of India’s sovereignty and demonstrate a clear intent to undermine bilateral relations and regional peace.

The Brahmaputra dam project raises serious ecological, hydrological, and geopolitical concerns. India unequivocally demands that China ensures no harm to downstream states, adheres to international conventions, and engages transparently with affected countries. China proceeded with the Brahmaputra dam approval, bypassing established conventions by failing to provide India with prior notice or consultation.

Additionally, the establishment of new counties in the Aksai Chin region -He’an County and Hekang County further aggravates tensions by seeking to legitimize its illegal occupation of Indian territory violates India’s sovereignty. Aksai Chin is integral to India’s Union Territory of Ladakh, and China’s attempt to legitimize its occupation is unacceptable. India reaffirms that such actions are illegal and unjustified, and a formal protest has been lodged.

Red Lantern Analytica urges China to cease its aggressive expansionism, respect international law, and engage in meaningful dialogue. India reserves its right to take all necessary measures to safeguard its territorial integrity and water security.